Who We Are

High expectations.
High achievement for all.
No excuses.

Welcome to Northpoint Elementary School in Blaine! We are one of three elementary schools in Spring Lake Park Schools serving grades in preK-4.

Innovative and Personalized Learning

Each student at Northpoint Elementary School is known by name, strength, interest and need, leading to personalized student work and learning experiences.

Learn More About Personalized Learning

Focus on Literacy

All elementary students in Spring Lake Park Schools spend 120 minutes each day on reading instruction with 60 minutes in smaller groups focused on specific student needs.

Career and College Readiness

We are collectively committed to designing engaging learning experiences that lead to each student earning 12 college credits by the end of 12th grade.

Learn more about Career and College Readiness

Low Class Sizes

One of our top priorities is to maintain low class sizes. Our class sizes at elementary grade levels are among the lowest in the metro area and among neighboring districts.

State of the Art Facilities

Parts of Northpoint have been redesigned to provide flexible learning environments that allow teachers to meet the varied needs and interests of students.

Panther Pride

Amazing things are happening every day at Spring Lake Park Schools. Learn more about our SLP stories and voices and what makes us #SLPPPantherProud. 

Learn more about Panther Pride

Why I’m #SLPPantherProud

Hear from our staff, students and community about the amazing things that are happening at Northpoint every day.

A Northpoint teacher working on a puzzle and smiling in a NP blue shirt

Kristin Madsen, Northpoint parent

It’s clear when you visit Northpoint that the staff & teachers are committed to creating a welcoming environment. They’re happy to be there and happy to continue building the relationships that are so meaningful to a community.

Read More about Parent Testimonial