
Teachers gathering and smiling during professional learning

Teachers of reading have a heavy load of learning to complete this year aligned to state requirements in the READ Act. Spring Lake Park Schools has taken an approach designed to develop teacher leaders, build collaboration and result in immediate application to student learning experiences.

Read More about Teaching the Teachers
A student giving Trevor Sherbert, Educator Apprentice, a hug

Trevor Sherbert gets a knee hug and a "hey, Mr. T" as he welcomes kindergarteners to school. He’s the day's sub. As substitute teachers are harder to find, Educator Apprentices, like Trevor, are part of an innovative approach to keeping learning going when teachers are gone. For Trevor, a Spring Lake Park Schools grad, the job is helping him explore teaching as a career.

Read More about Grads Return as Educators in Training in Innovative Roles
The AVID banner sits above a door and students walk through tutorials in class

Nestled in a busy hallway of Spring Lake Park High School’s B Wing is a classroom with college pennants pinned on the walls. Inside, students enrolled in the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) elective are being supported in building their academic and life skills for college readiness and post-secondary success.

Read More about All About AVID