Apply to Lighthouse

The Lighthouse School application process provides an opportunity for the families to get acquainted with Lighthouse and for staff to get to know the candidate.

Due to the unique environment of Lighthouse School, the application process helps to ensure the setting is an appropriate match to the student's educational needs. If you live within the district, please contact the Gifted Services specialist at your school to see if Lighthouse would be a good fit for your student.

Steps to apply to Lighthouse School:

To get started, complete and/or review the following documents: 

  • Introduction Form: Complete the Lighthouse Introduction Form below
  • Lighthouse Candidate Application Portfolio document:  Click here to review the portfolio guide and begin preparing the pieces that are expected and requested 
  1. Parent/guardians will schedule a meeting with Lighthouse School Coordinator, Lisa Cisewski, where they will have the opportunity to observe the school in person and ask questions
  2. Students will visit Lighthouse School for a half day to experience a typical day and meet staff and students
  3. After the student visits Lighthouse, an interview will be scheduled. During the interview, students present themselves as a candidate and share their portfolio with staff
  4. Following the student interview, staff and families take several days to reflect on whether the Lighthouse School would be a positive educational community for the student

Lighthouse Introduction Form