Social and Emotional Well-Being
Supporting development, addressing barriers to learning, and enhancing well-being.
We offer students and families a full continuum of support for social, emotional, and behavioral growth and development. Everything we do is grounded in our approach to personalized learning. We help build skills, and we respond to needs.
- Core services are services all students receive and are delivered by classroom teachers and a variety of staff. They include things like having common classroom expectations and routines to provide a positive, engaging classroom.
- Targeted services are for smaller groups of students. These include interventions such as small group instruction to build a specific social skill.
- Individualized services may result in special education services or therapeutic supports like in-school mental health services and counseling.
Targeted and individual supports and interventions are delivered by staff trained in the specific intervention they deliver. Most staff are employed by the district – school psychologists, behavior specialists, social skills specialists. Some partnerships exist to enhance our capabilities and capacity in specific areas.
In addition to services offered at school, we also have connections in the community. We often help students and families find and access a variety of community resources they need. Examples include helping families with housing and food insecurity.
Get connected
You can contact your school to connect with a counselor, social worker or other staff member who can help you or anyone you are concerned about.
- For students in Kindergarten – Grade 4, ask for the Specialist for Student Support at Centerview Elementary, Northpoint Elementary, Park Terrace Elementary and Woodcrest Spanish Immersion schools
- For students in grades 6-8, contact Westwood Intermediate and Middle School’s Counselors for Personalized Learning
- For students in grades 9-12, contact Spring Lake Park High School’s Counselors for Personalized Learning
Concerns about bullying?
Bullying is a behavior that is not tolerated in our schools. Students and families are encouraged to tell someone about bullying behavior. This behavior can be reported using this bullying report form. This form can be used to report bullying behavior a student has experienced themselves or to report a concern for another. The form can be given to a teacher or taken to the office of the principal.
Crisis Support Numbers |
In a life threatening situation, call 911.
Immigration Topics
Across our school community, there has been an increase in questions and concerns related to immigration topics. This Immigration Topics handout includes information about school as well as community resources that may help families.