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Library Resources
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- Your Backpack User ID is your school username and password
Anoka County Library
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- Locations – Find your nearest library location
- Library Card – Information on how to sign up for a library card
On your device
- Downloadable E-Books – Download eBooks and audiobooks for reading on your digital device
Research and homework help
- K-12 Research – Access databases, newspapers, magazines and government documents for you to use during your research process
- Ask a Librarian – Need a quick fact? Do you have a brief question? Anoka County Library can provide quick answers to many questions by email or phone.
Just for Teens
- Teens – Anoka library's teen webpage
- Recommended Books – Books recommendations for teens
- Teen eBooks – Digital downloads for teen reading
Search the Databases
To access the database passwords from home, log into your myPanthers account and open this link.
Visit the library for the passwords to the following databases.
- Search the databases from your iPad
- Click here to download AccessMyLibrary - School Edition from Gale
- Find Spring Lake Park High School
- Visit the library for the password
Britannica School - High: Powerful online encyclopedia
Britannica username is springlkpk and the password is mnaccess
EBSCO Databases: Search any one or any combination of the EBSCO databases here. Hit the EBSCO Databases tab for a complete list of EBSCO databases.
Electronic Library for Minnesota: Find quality articles, images, videos and more.
Gale Databases: Search any one or any combination of the Gale databases here. Hit the Gale Databases tab for a complete list of Gale databases.
Historical Minneapolis Tribune (1867-1922)
Minnesota Career Information System: (MCIS) is an Internet-based system that combines a wealth of career, educational and labor market information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use exploration tool.
National Geographic Magazine: National Geographic Magazine Archive from 1888 to 1994.
ProQuest: Web-based database with citations and abstracts from over 350 newspapers, over 250 of which provide full text.
New! Black Freedom Movement in the United States: Web-based database of open primary source documents including historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, and correspondence.
OCLC databases accessible via FirstSearch
Click on the links below to access the OCLC databases.
Gale Databases
Gale Virtual Reference Library
The Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of digital non-fiction texts. To access these on your iPad, use the AccessMyLibrary app.
Click here to access Gale Virtual Reference Library
Biography in Context delivers research support with nearly a million biographical entries, from historical figures to modern day celebrities.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context is the premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues, from Offshore Drilling to Climate Change, Health Care to Immigration.
U.S. History in Context is a complete overview of U.S. history that covers the most-studied events, issues and current information. Includes primary source documents.
Research in Context is designed for students in grades 8-12. This database includes literary criticisms, timelines, primary source documents, audio and video clips, maps, images, flags and more.
Educator's Reference Complete covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college and includes virtually every educational specialty. The database also includes resources on issues related to administration, funding and policy in education.
Expanded Academic ASAP features more than 3,500 indexed and full-text titles in all disciplines including social sciences, humanities, education, science and technology.
General Science Collection contains over 200 journals covering the latest scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, and hundreds of other areas.
Informe Académico is a Spanish-language interface. El texto completo de 50 de los más populares periódicos y diarios de habla hispana y bilingües, incluyendo el periódico en español El Nuevo Herald (Miami, FL).
InfoTrac Student Edition is a database designed for high school students including full-text articles from magazines, newspapers and reference books. Historical images and maps included. Covers a wide variety of subjects.
Student Resources in Context is designed for use by high school students for both homework and in-depth research assignments. Contains reference works, biographies, essays, overviews, primary works, images and periodical articles.
EBSCO Databases
ALT Health Watch has holistic and integrated approaches to health care. More than 180 international journals and reports plus hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research, and book excerpts.
Consumer Health Complete features health-related topics from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.
ERIC®, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources.
Health Source - Consumer Edition is acollection of consumer health information providing access to nearly 80 full-text, consumer health magazines, pamphlets, 130+ health reference books, 5,100 Clinical Reference Systems reports.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides access to 600 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
MAS Ultra - School Edition is specifically for high school students and contains full text for popular, high school magazines, biographies, primary source documents, photos, maps and flags and reference books.
Middle Search® Plus contains full text for more than 150 popular middle/high school magazines.
Master File has full text for popular magazines in all subject areas. Includes reference books, book reviews, biographies, primary source documents, and images.
Points of View Reference Center is a full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of over 250 current issues.
Professional Development Collection™ includes full text for more than 500 high-quality education journals.
Science Reference Center has full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources covering the areas of biology, chemistry, environmental and life sciences, and more.
Student Research Center contains the following databases: Health Source-Consumer Edition; MAS Ultra-School Edition; Middle Search Plus; and Science Reference Center.