Spring Lake Park High School Staff Directory

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Spring Lake Park High School Staff

1 2 3 17 > showing 1 - 12 of 194 constituents
Melanie Abreu

Melanie Abreu

Titles: Office Assistant
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
Scott Aho

Scott Aho

Titles: Paraprofessional for Special Education
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
Maria Ahrndt

Maria Ahrndt

Titles: Teacher of Secondary Education Art, Teacher of Secondary Education Art
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School, Spring Lake Park Online Secondary
Penni Albright

Penni Albright

Titles: Paraeducator
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
Nour Ali

Nour Ali

Titles: Counselor for Personalized Learning, Counselor for Personalized Learning
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School, Spring Lake Park Online Secondary
Shannah Anderson

Shannah Anderson

Titles: Teacher of Secondary Education English Language Arts, Teacher for Summer School
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School, Spring Lake Park Online Secondary
Wanda Anderson

Wanda Anderson

Titles: Associate for Nutrition Services
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
Rachel Andrisen

Rachel Andrisen

Titles: Teacher of Secondary Education Science
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
Brittany Baker McNelly

Brittany Baker McNelly

Titles: Teacher for Special Education EBD
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
Heather Bartoszewski

Heather Bartoszewski

Titles: Coach, Teacher of Secondary Education Math
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School, Athletics & Activities
Madison Beck

Madison Beck

Titles: Speech Language Pathologist, Coach
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School, Athletics & Activities
Jennifer Beckham

Jennifer Beckham

Titles: Teacher of Secondary Education Social Studies
Locations: Spring Lake Park High School
1 2 3 17 > showing 1 - 12 of 194 constituents