School Handbook

Welcome to Spring Lake Park Schools!

A student’s school experience is an important part of your family’s life. Each day, we work tirelessly to know each student’s strengths, interests and needs, create a sense of belonging and learning experiences that engage and delight.
There are also the practical aspects of school – start and end times, procedures for absences, transportation, meals and more. We’ve compiled the basic information about how our schools operate in this handbook for students and families. Please review the information and refer to it, as needed, throughout the year. 
You’ll also find a comprehensive list of our district policies for your reference. Full policies can be accessed at any time on our website.
Please contact your school as you have questions throughout the year.

Arriving At and Leaving School

Being Absent, Arriving Late and Leaving Early

Student Information, Learning and Experience

Parents, Visitors and Volunteers


We use email, voicemail and text messages to communicate with families. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date so you don’t miss anything important. Visit to find links that connect you to the school experience including: learning management systems, Campus Parent Portal, technology resources, weekly school newsletters, lunch menus and more.

Have a question or not sure where to find what you are looking for? Email or call the District Services Center at 763-600-5000. Learn more about how to Stay Connected at

Food & Nutrition

Health and Wellness

Special Programs and Services

Safety, Security and Unusual Happenings

Policies, Procedures and Guidelines