School Board

All school board meetings are held at the District Services Center located at 1415 81st Ave NE, Spring Lake Park, MN, unless otherwise noted below.

School Board Regular Meeting

The next School Board Work Session is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 5:00pm.

The agenda will be posted here when available.

lease note, you can view the taped regular meetings on the district YouTube channel

Meetings and Agendas

About School Board Meetings

Agendas are published on the website on the Thursday or Friday proceeding a Tuesday meeting.

Minutes are published on the website within days after approval by the Board. Minutes are approved only at the Board's regular monthly meeting, so they are generally published one month after the meeting takes place.

Regular School Board Meetings are for conducting business and take place the second Tuesday of the month. Blaine, Spring Lake Park and Fridley residents can watch the School Board Regular Meetings on the District's YouTube Channel.

Work Sesssions are for informal presentations and discussions, often of a single aspect of district operations. No formal business takes place at these sessions which usually take place the fourth Tuesday of the month. These meetings are not videotaped.

Communication to the Board - The Board can take official action only at meetings that are open to the public. District residents are invited to attend Board meetings. Ideas and suggestions for improving Spring Lake Park Schools' educational services are always welcome. Residents who wish to address the School Board or administration at one of its regular meetings may do so during "Communication to the Board and Administration," beginning fifteen minutes prior to the start of a regular meeting.

If a resident desires to have an item added to the Board's meeting agenda, it will be considered for placement on the agenda for the next meeting of the Board. Agenda information is available the day before each meeting at the District Services Center, by calling 763-600-5020, or on this website.