Business Services
Business Services oversees and provides services to the district for financial management. Business Services also provides monthly reports to the school board.
Spring Lake Park Schools is a financially strong district. We have received the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting award for 17 consecutive years. The award has been given to the district for having met or exceeded ASBO’s high standards for financial reporting and accountability.
Primary Roles and Responsibilities
- All payroll functions
- Accounting functions including accounts payable, accounts receivable and purchasing
- Database access and securities
- District budgets and UFARS coding (see more information about district budgets)
- Enrollment projections and student data for state reporting
- Property and liability insurance
- Transportation
- Buildings and Grounds; management of construction projects
- Food Service
Moody's Financial Rating: Aa2
Spring Lake Park Schools has a Moody’s Investor Service rating of Aa2. The rating reflects the continued expansion of the district’s tax base, positive general fund operations, and maintenance of strong financial reserves.
There are 148 school districts in Minnesota that use Moody’s to determine their bond rating. Of those districts, only six have a higher rating than Spring Lake Park Schools. There are 21 districts, including Spring Lake Park, that have a Aa2 or better rating.
Contact Us
Amy Schultz
Executive Director of Business Services
Email Amy Schultz
Chris McGee
Finance Manager
Email Chris McGee
Brenda Miles
Payroll Coordinator
Email Brenda Miles
NaDean Schroeder
Management Asst. to the Business Office / Accounts Payable
Email NaDean Schroeder
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires local school districts and charter schools as recipients of ESEA Title funds to display, in a public place, the fraud prevention hotline contact information so that any individual who observes, detects, or suspects improper use of taxpayer funds can easily report such improper use. [ESEA Section 9203] The hotline number is 1-800-MIS-USED (1-800-647-8733).