Before and After School Care, Grades K-6
Learning Ventures before and after school care aims to improve student learning while providing high-quality, affordable childcare services. Staff provides an enriching educational and recreational program. Activities are designed to enhance the cognitive, physical, and creative development of our students and to provide time for hobbies and friends in a safe, supportive environment.
Who: Students in kindergarten - grade 6
When: Before and/or after school, one to five days per week
Where: Centerview, Northpoint, Park Terrace, and Woodcrest schools. Students in grades K-6 at Lighthouse and students in grades 5-6 at Westwood will have transportation to and from their school.
Flexible Scheduling: Full-time and part-time options are available.
Tuition fees for SY 2025-2026 (subject to change):
- Five days per week - Before school $20/day, After school $16.75/day
- Four days per week - Before school $22.35/day, After school $19.10/day
- Three days per week - Before school $22.95/day, After school $19.70/day
- Two days per week - Before school $23.55/day, After school $20.30/day
- One day per week - Before school $25.90/day, After school $22.65/day
Registration: Registration for SY 2025-2026 will open on Monday, March 3, at 8:30 a.m.. Once you complete the online application you will be on a “waiting list” until Community Education staff have reviewed your account. Your credit card will not be charged until your child is confirmed in the program. Once you are approved, you will receive an email confirmation and your credit card will be charged. For a registration to be processed, all Community Education program balances must be paid in full. Accounts with a balance overdue will not be processed.
If Your Schedule Changes: Requests to change or cancel care must be submitted online in your Eleyo account at at least 14 days in advance of cancellation. If the date you choose is less than 2 weeks out, Eleyo will assign your cancellation date. Email cancellations are accepted at, with at least 14 days' notice. Cancellations by email can only be accepted at this email address. Communication to cancel in any other manner is not acceptable notice, and tuition will continue to be assessed per the contract rate.
Non School Days: Most days when school is closed, Learning Ventures is still open for care. These dates are NOT part of your regular contracted care. Families must register for the dates as needed. All care on Non School Days is provided at the Centerview location. A bag lunch and beverage from home will be needed.
- Dates for Non School Days of 2025-2026 are: October 2, 3, 15, 16, December 1, 29, 30, 31, February 12, 13, March 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 20.
- Dates when Child Care is closed for 2025-2026: October 17, November 26, 27, 28, December 24, 25, 26, January 1, 2, 19, February 16, March 6, April 3, May 25.
Questions: Please call us at 763-600-5050
Program Rates, Curriculum and Handbook Information
- Program Rates
- Billing Information - Terms and Conditions
- Curriculum
- Contact Information
- Program Information
- Late Start/Early Closing/School Cancellation
- Arrival and Departure
- Personal Time
- Pets
- Outside Play
- Personal Belongings
- Guidance Procedures
- Prone Restraint Prohibition
- Temporary Removal from Program
- Health and Safety
- Immunizations
- Administration of Medication
- Preventing and Responding to Allergies
- Medical Emergencies
- Building and Physical Premises
- Transportation