Request a Transcript

Current High School Students

Transcripts, both initial and final transcripts, for current students are requested through Naviance.

Please note:

  • Current students who request through Parchment will be charged for the transcript without the possibility of a refund.
  • Students in the current graduating class who request a transcript after June 30 will need to use Parchment for their request. 


Alumni can request transcripts through Parchment. Those ordering through Parchment will be charged a $5 surcharge for every transaction. Please allow 5 business days for requests to be filled. 

What does a transcript include?

An official high school transcript includes:

  • High School Grades
  • GPA (Grade Point Average - both weighted and unweighted)
  • Date of Graduation

Transcripts do not include ACT or SAT standardized test scores. To have test scores sent, contact the appropriate testing center:

Have a question?

Current students: Reach out to your counselor 

Alumni: Reach out to Spring Lake Park High School at or